Celebrating Bill’s Birthday!

We just had a great time celebrating Bill’s birthday with his mom, sister, and brothers.  He had said he wanted a chocolate cake so I made him a 3 layer chocolate cake.  The cake had a layer of vanilla buttercream, a layer of caramel buttercream, and frosted on the outside with Chocolate buttercream drizzled with caramel and chocolate shavings.  It was great to catch up with everyone and see the nieces and nephews. 

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I am a newbie to this web stuff, so far disappointed in the wp tutorial. I got wp thru my webserver but no tutorial and wp101 cost more money. I have worked with WIX to create websites for about 2 years and it was very easy and user friendly just frustrating with them at times thought this would be higher quality. So if I can ever figure out how to use it we will see, my thoughts may change.

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